‎Pregnant or Not?? | Pregnancy.org
cbratton85's profile

1 Message


20 Points

Saturday, February 16th, 2019 7:39 AM

Pregnant or Not??

I'm 56 days passed my miscarriage. I don't know if this is still left over HCG or not. On 1/19/19 i took a test and it was 100% negative. 3 days later I got my first cycle since my miscarriage. I've taken 5 tests, 2 were negative and 3 had faint lines,

What do you think?

537 Messages


7.7K Points

6 years ago

Hello- Thank you for reaching out to the community. We advise you to contact your doctor to discuss and get an expert opinion. We wish you the best. -GS

Note: If you feel that you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or 911 immediately. No posting on this site is intended to be medical advice and should not be a substitute for seeking the advice of a medical professional.