1 Message
70 Points
Dealing with loneliness?
I'm almost 27 years old, a day short of 10 weeks along and I'm suffering from some extreme sadness. I'm also battling a cold which isn't making it any better. I do not have any siblings a mother or any females I could bond with or ask questions. I am currently with the father and have been happily for 7 years. He's been more than supportive but I don't feel comfortable burdening him with my emotional baggage.
I currently exercise and practice a relatively healthy lifestyle. I take daily walks in my local forest preserve and observe the wildlife and whatnot.
What are some things you lonely ladies do or find useful to carry about your day in stride?
537 Messages
7.7K Points
5 years ago
Hello Adrianna,
Congratulations on your pregnancy, what an exciting time for you! We’re sorry to hear you’re not feeling well and how much that can take out of a Mom to be. It’s great to hear you’ve got such a supportive partner but can understand wanting that female companionship. Have you thought of joining a local support group for pregnant women? That may be a great way to connect with other ladies experiencing the same types of feelings you have. We also recommend you talking with your doctor about this. We do wish you the best of luck! -Maria